Wednesday, June 06, 2007

When menstruation attacks...

There are a few stupid things to do in life.
One of them is to go shopping for jeans on the first day of menstruation.
This is just silly. Slightly S&M. And very destructive to the ego.
Apart from the pain and the bloating, it's the flouro's and lighting in dressing rooms or change stalls that is just evil. EVIL I tell you...
I lost about 10kg this year so far and was feeling kind of trim and fab. Now I have a gravity induced reality about the state of my body. I know exactleeee where the blubber is. I saw it.

*sigh of resignation*

On the bright side, it has been raining. Here in Queenslaaaaaaaaaaaand, that's just a fab fab thing. :) Dripdropdripdrop. Nyce.


Sister Buckle said...

Fool! Never do that again, or I'll hit you with a badminton racquet.

You hear!?

ChiNut said...

Yeah, I know. El stupido mucho mucho grande....

I feel better now, because the jeans I ended up buying are really good for making my arse look nyce. An upside to the whole experience I'd say.

And. They are made with the stretchy kind of denim, so the waistband is alreay bigger and it's all fitting rather that the bloating has subsided.
Thank goodness for my chrysocola and malachite lump. 'cramp away with stones!