Friday, June 29, 2007

Attack Geese

If you've ever thought about getting an alternative to an attack dog, I can now thoroughly recommend geese.

Charlie, Will and me all visited my wonderful sister Carmen yesterday for a morning of Tarot, Harry Potter, tea and biccies. Fabulous. All days should be as good...

Then it was off to UQ to show the children The Great Court, and lots of sandstone carving and for them to breathe in the academia. We ate lunch in the IT lounge next to the cafe, and it was warm and lovely. Carmen had said the lake was lovely so we saved the crusts from our sandwiches to feed the ducks. We walked to the lake, through the many steps of the campus, down the hill of green grass. We saw the lake. Ahhhh. How reflective. So many birds.

Wow! look at those swans!


NOT swans. Geese.

Not to worry, we are far away from them and we can feed the ducks here...

As soon as those winged devils caught wind of a free yeasty lunch, they were over in a flash, like great big bullying kids, honking and yelling at us.


And their long sharp beaks, and their little tongues, and big wings, and did I mention their long sharp beaks and insistence on being the only ones served. Actually, they were a lot like blokes in an English pub on a Friday evening at rush hour. All yelling and getting attention, and frankly, just being rude.

Carmen kept a cool head and instructed the children to "Give them ALL the crust!..give them the lot! give it all to them, NOW!" And Charlotte burst into tears and Will freaked out, and my 'intimidation' just made them honk louder and walk towards me. aiee!

So. If you aren't a dog person, don't fear. You can get geese instead.

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