Friday, January 05, 2007

The result of wedded bliss...

I've been married for twelve years on the 7th January.
Twelve whole years.
This has me contemplating what it is about my sweet Roberto that has given our marraige it's longevity.

Could it be just because he's got a lovely twinkle in his eye? Maybe it's the fact that he has compatible DNA, and we have as a result, got simply beautiful children.......
I dreamt about Robbie about a year before I met him. I remember writing down the dream because I had it over and over again, and it was SO vivid. So easy to recall and write about.
Then, when I met Rob he wasn't the normal 'type' of guy I would have been interested in. But I remembered the dream, and knew it was him.
And for the first few years of marriage, I did find myself with my head in my hands just wailing 'why am I with this man?'!?
It all got better though.
We had to get better. Ha! :)

Some things are just meant to be. To be enjoyed. Not to be 'understood'.


Sister Buckle said...

Oh, that's beautiful (apart from the donkey thing again. I mean - it's so anatomical).

And marraige is spelled 'marriage'.

Look at Charlie and Wil - perfect little buggers!

ChiNut said...

ya think?
maybe I could have said he is not only stubborn like a donkey, but also has various other qualities attributed to a wild ass.........

eheheheheeheh..... :)

Sister Buckle said...

Mmmm. Nah, I still think sex comments about unwitting current partners are molto disrespectful.

I think removing the references was a good idea.

There's a difference between a blog and a diary!

One of them is - your sister can't chew you out about what's in a diary because she won't get to read it :P