Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Deva Premal walking on a beach in Maui.

"I luv chanting", that's my new mantra............ :)

I have been listening to Deva Premal for about a year or more now. Didn't know who I was listening to at first until I realised that I 'just LOVED that music', and made it my thing to find out who was singing this great stuff! My Holistic Feng Shui teacher always had it playing in the background at the courses I took.

One of my favourites, or the one I am most connecting with, at the moment is 'Chidananda'.
The lyric is 'Chidananda roopah, shivoham, shivoham'
which translated means ....
'I am eternal bliss, I am Shiva'

All of the lyric (which is quite long and extensive) is to do with accepting one's inherent divinity, by saying that you realise you are not the material self, but the true essence of you, the eternal spirit-soul, the spark of the All.

I like that. :)

The other translations of the chants can be found at....

They are playing at the Brisbane City Hall on the 14th I think. I know it will be sold out by now but if there is a chance that someone has a ticket, I'm there. Really. I'll even give you a lift home. :) !

Namaste, Om Shanti

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