Friday, June 04, 2010

Magic Earth

Magic is something that gets a bit of a flippant response or a fearful response, but I've never had a connection to it like either of those.
Magic to me is about the natural connections we see all the time, and we usually take for granted.
The beauty of plant cells replicating, using the sun and water to just increase in mass...its amazing to me.
The chemistry, physics, biology and more contained in this one representation of Magic is astounding. :) Science is not a way of debunking Magic, but rather a way of helping us understand HOW things are working, and why they've astounded us in the first place. The human body is just as magical. We've got all that Psychology going on too, and the etheric energy body is only now being 'studied' by science, because, well, its just so damn interesting!

I think mainstream science will catch up with the pioneers in time. As usual. As always. Something radical is not always looked upon favourably, but then, years later we look back and give those low whistles, and the sage-like shakes of the head and utterances like 'if only we'd taken more notice of what they knew back then...'

I hope that as a world we can learn to future think enough to take notice of the radical pioneers of 'science' that are working and establishing NOW, and acknowledge the Magic they are explaining to us.

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