Thursday, March 20, 2008

drip drip drip

Me and Rob with little Charlotte - over eight years ago...

Today it started off raining. I think that I grew up with so much sunshine and blue sky that a day of rain is like,... exciting! but at the same time immensely soothing. My first thought was '', and my second was 'the doona is really soft'. :) And then the pull to return to bed and just cuddle up with the blinds open so I could watch the swirling of the thick rain-laden clouds, from the cocoon of my bed. Ahhh..rain.

Somewhat 'womb oriented' thinking you may feel? I'd agree. This baby is giving off a fair bit of psychic energy, and I'm revelling in it. :)

Charlie is not feeling her best, so we are having a day at home. William is helping by bringing her drink of water to her....wherever she is, make sure she can get better and play. They are currently on the laptop playing the 'falling fruit' game on the Sali Mali website. (Welsh) They love it. And it is so nice to not be able to hear them playing. It means they're dreadfully 'into it' and concentrating. :))

Baby is due in 2 and a half weeks.
My mind does an amazing warpy thing everytime I conciously realise how close it is, and how soon I will be a Mother to three children. *blink blink* three children. Me! *raising eyebrows* *giving a low whistle under my breath* *shaking head softly* and smiling...

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