Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Music of Cubes

Part of my brain spider is the interest one leg has in Sacred Geometry.
I was looking at the study of Cymatics, the way sound waves produce physical pattern, and was intrigued to find out that the only Hebrew and Sanskrit languages actually produce the symbol for their vowel sounds when put through the technique for producing physical representations of sound waves. Totally cool.
So anyway, back to brain spider and research as one does.... and I come across a link that is about the whole 'Da Vinci Code' phenomena and I nearly just clicked away again but for a small little thing that caught my eye. The Rosslyn Chapel and a sacred geometry link due to the actual architecture of the place. That actually caught my eye, the link between the architecture and sound, via the study of Cymatics that I'd just been researching.

Here's the link to listen to the music 'of the architecture' inside the Rosslyn Chapel. It's very lovely. Close your eyes and you will fly.

Lots of Love from Chinut


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