Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Complexity of Movement....

Did a workshop today at the Gaurunga Meditation Centre in Brisbane. Fab.

We did a section of the workshop exploring Qigong or 'chi gung'. Fab also.

Couldn't believe how unco I am. :)

We attempted this one sequence called 'The Shaolin Archer', which involved some slide movement, some rounding energy ball movement, and some strong stretch movement with purposeful hand positions. Great, if you're slightly co-ordinated, which I thought I was. But I'm not yet. :)
The instructor for the morning session was this lovely guy called 'Sean', who is also an accupuncturist and does Chinese Herbal Medicine. (he plays the guitar and does his chanting mantra sort of groovy-like) He's also married to an impossibly beautiful girl, which he deserved, as he comes across as an entirely lovely lovely lovely MAN.
Anyway. I also couldn't do the arms revolving in different directions thing, which I KNOW I've been able to do before.

I was very good at the Yoga Nidra, and the nostril breathing and the chanting. (even got a compliment about my 'lovely voice' from one of the newbies, bless) You can count on me to relax and sing nicely. I'm there baby. Just don't expect me to do the whole psuedo martial art poses very effectively,...because I'm unco at the mo'.

My dear friend Michelle accompanied me to the day of meditation and exploration of various 'chi moving' modalites. We had a great time. Did some Thai massage on each other. She was so very respectful of the pressure she used because I'd been involved in a car accident on Monday. Unfortunately I respond to pain quite well so I was left feeling less than fulfilled by her Thai massage attempt.
I gave it to her full strength though. She's in good health. :)


Sister Buckle said...

Don't worry about being unco. Bruce said when I started aikido I was "like, REALLY BAD!"

It just makes it more impressive when you improve.

ChiNut said...

Ah ha! I like that. I'll be mega impressive next time I go because I won't be wobbling and falling over! Ha! :)
I have been practicing 'The Shaolin Archer', just because I want to, and because it feels good. Makes me feel....
"Wverwy strwooong!!"
as your friend Gotaro would say.