Saturday, July 08, 2006


Driving back to the shopping centre after a morning at the park with kiddies who are recovering from a relapse of the flu......

Charlotte has voiced her frustration with the process of getting better by having a five minute whinge-a-thon at very high pitch with tears and various other snotty intervals. (all very empathically dealt with of course,...I'm a nice Mummy) William watches on saying very emphatically "Mummy! Chaaaaarlotte iiiiiiiiiiis cryyyyyyyyyyyyyying!"

I keep on driving.
I have a sister to meet and a cup of tea in a soft chair to look forward too.
And I need to buy knicker liners and tampons, so I NEED to go to the shops, and don't really want to go home straight away with snotty children. (bless)

Two minutes from the shops I notice quietness in the car. I ask tentatively, as if I don't give a toss really,.."Feeling a little better now Charlie?"
"What if I get a soft chair at a nice cafe and you can lie down while I talk to Kylie?"

Charlotte responds quickly with "Yes! and I can have a cup of tea in MY cup and a chocolate cupcake!....that will make me feel better" *snoooooort*
(all said in slightly whingy 'I'm still not very well you know' voice)

"Oh kay then darling"
"Will? You up for a cuppa tea too darl?"
Will gestures his hips forward getting comfy in his seat and says, "nahhhhhhhhh......." *snooooort*


Kids are so great.

It's like having friends you can't stand.

But you love them terribly and can't stand to be away from them either. I bet this is how the butler from Batman feels............


Sister Buckle said...

Gee! looks like I missed out seeing your family at its peak! Damn!

Mum thought you were going to be at Capalaba for the day so that's why we didn't come over.

Poor Charlie-kins.

Anonymous said...

Mum is suffering from her own information overload. We're not giving her all this info. She's making it up herself to fill in the blanks. Did you hear about her hearing test? Apparently she is having trouble deciphering voices with high pitch.
IE: her daughters' voices.

It all makes dreadful sense now..........