Monday, June 05, 2006

I think I'm doin somethin right.

On the weekend my sister (one of many) came to visit for a little work on the thought pathways that were all twisted up, and, it lasted a few hours. It had tears and sighs and heaves of breath, and my children were so good that they played quietly and respectfully on the other side of the garden while us two 'adults' played out the necessary grief and humour to temper the situation.

So after several hours of this and many cups of tea, my beautiful daughter comes up and says " Excuse me, can you take us to ride our scooters over at the pathway (etc etc etc.....)" and so we apologised for taking so long and thanked her for being so good and keeping her younger brother amused and interested.

And then she says, " And, you know, you can talk on the grass over there, 'cause I won't be able to hear whatever you're saying......... while I'm scootering around...and all that......" *looking at us with big green-blue eyes*

My sister and I just grinned widely and said thankyou. Then as she was walking away from us to gather baby brother plus scooters, my sister just gives me the biggest squeeze round the shoulders and beams a bright face at me. She says "She's such an amazing little person isn't she?!" nearly choking on her happiness.

It was Great. It was a moment filled with Grace. I'm always going to remember because it showed me that not only have I been able to teach my child compassion, but I've been able to show her enough so that she can display it openly, with natural capacity.

Felt it was like a big pat between the shoulder blades from the Universe you know? fab.

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