Thursday, May 04, 2006

Everything Sucks

Except for my children, and my husband, and my parents, and my sisters, ... and I'm sure my brother is a good guy too (just don't see him enough to know for sure....).

We've just moved house and it has left me feeling mostly uncharitable towards backward removalist firms, extortionate real estate agents and slack and overcharging carpet cleaners. You can all go suck on nasty nasty things!!!
Right. I feel released somewhat now.

I need to contact my darker side and implement a hex or two. For all the right reasons I can assure you and nothing too serious.

We had an extrordinary run of wankers and bastards in our lyfe in the last week or two. Not only has my sister been dealing with the '2 blade wanker', but we have dealt with the removalists who are all related to each other several times over. (yee haw) We've had other people who had previously come across as 'normal', 'easygoing', and generally human, change into immoral, loathesome, squirmy, gelatinous, cretins,....all vying to suck the cash out of my existence systematically, one by one, in sequence, without respite.

It's all a large learning curve I know, but frankly, at the moment I'm just way too overtired to give a flying fuq.
Night night.


Sister Buckle said...

Don't try to control your anger here, dear.

I'm always a little tense when I think of all the good people being polite to these fuck-knuckles who want our cash.

That's how they keep going, by decent people not killing them.

Well I say enough. Hillbilly, you're goin DOWN!

ChiNut said...

Yes I believe you about their existence being extended SOLELY on the goodwill of us normals not ripping their throats out with our clawed hands.

I feel a little better now. Just.

Had to wait until I was incontinent today at the Post Office for the refund of the Bond money. Then had to pay the backward removalist at the gate his balance of payment (and listen to his endless sob stories about having no jobs on at the moment, like I give a rat's arse), then had to ring the cleaners again so they could get my oven actually cleaned and put the racks back in etc. It's all bullshit!
Anyhoo. It's done now. Cup o tea and a nice lie down.