Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Schuey...we luv u

The most contained, diplomatic, polite, respectful, intelligent and constrained driver in the whole of the Formula One pack is the fab Michael Schumacher.

I was so utterly pissed over the weekend to see that he'd been penalised and put at the back of the grid for a suspect engine stall on the qualifying lap that left Alonso (the current leader this season) unable to complete his final qualifying lap and therefore putting MS in the front spot on poll. So?! Schuey would have got it anyway. The contention is that they reckon he'd done it on purpose to stop Alonso getting poll position. Whaaaat a weak argument. What a weak accusation. Just deplorable.

And bless his little Germanic cardio pulmonary system, he came back and finished 5th moving an astonishing 17 places up through the field on the Monaco circuit. Which is bastard hard to make places on as it's terrible to overtake anywhere.

I felt it was a tremendously succinct way of giving those F1 officials the bird.

Schuey, WE LUV U!

Manifestation or delusion?

Manifestation is the ability to make real our dreams and hopes, needs and wants, whether you choose to define them as such or not. Manifestation has intrigued me and I admit, I used to dismiss it as coincidence. Now I think that NOTHING is coincidence. Everything, that is, ev-er-y thing, happens because it needs to so that something else can occur and because something previous has occurred. Then we could get into parallel existences and really screw with my head, but lets not go there,....I've just washed clothes all day, cooked school dinners in advance, then our dinner, then bathed children (I call it the 'feed n dip' time of day), and I should be, at this very moment, going through a project on the endangered Asian Elephant for my six year old's new school teacher.

There is enough to contend with without going for the parallel existence thing ..... yet.

It's all got a lot to do with the Universal Law of Attraction..........
What we focus on we attract to our existence and our experience of life.

"I now attract beautiful experiences filled with prosperity and the cumulo-nimbus like growth of my spirit!"

Yee-hah. Love a good affirmation.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

"Make mine bus tork!"

Ah Will. When Mummy looks like she is sleeping on the beanbag, recuperating from illness, and generally not paying you much attention,..then it's time to start having an imaginary friend, and let them make your bus 'tork'. And no matter how angelic your smile and how much you implore me, the best I can manage is to drowsily roll the bloody wheels along the carpet whilst grunting 'brooom broom'. It's pathetic I know.
I'll be all back to fully functioning soon.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Into the Dead Zone....

Right. I'm at the point of the influenza virus lifespan where one wakes up full of the beauty that one can breathe through both nostrils. Only later to find that seeing as the body has done so much work to achieve this mighty feat that it has no puff left. Out of puff. puffed out. zlpt!
Today will be quiet. Quie-et.
(and Will won't drink his milk, Charlie won't get dressed....they can smell the weakness of the Mummy....)

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


This gorgeous blend of golden, tequila sunrise, lapis lazuli and honey is the song that I love the most right now from Kate Bush's new album 'Aerial'. Fab. fab. fab.

"Keep us close, to your heart! so if the sky, turns dark! we may live on, in, com-ets, and, stahhhhrrrrrrrrs!"

Oh if anyone ever could read my heart and write a song, that would be it. Luscious Kate. :)

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Old Grey Horses

Old grey horses who can't keep themselves from whinnying loudly in public, nipping anyone who happens to be close by, and annoying others, should probably be put out to pasture. Left alone, and generally avoided.

People who resemble such animals should be given the same treatment. Those that listen and pander to this type of person should be pitied in the most patronising way possible. But general avoidance is probably best......

....uh yes,....I've had a somewhat bizzare and confronting, amusing and revolting experience with an older woman who wanted to let me know she knows everything, erm, that I lie, and that basically, I should have shut up and agreed with anything she said. *rolling eyes sarcastically*
This woman is also a holistic therapist apparently.
*eyes widening in mock shock*
Holistic therapist my shapely and voluminous backside...
...work on your compassion, bitch! And your alcohol dependancy too.
(yes, yes, yes,...I realise that I'm coming to a realisation...all in good time eh?)

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Oh shut up.

As I was about to write a blog titled 'be careful what you wish for' (in relation to Charlie getting into an exclusive and very hard to get into school) ....I heard my inner voice telling me to just 'stop being so bluddy predictable!'. I knew this would happen. It's what I've been focussing on for her for ages. I guess that I had used up my luck quota for this month with moving to a good home, Rob getting a good job, etc., and I just assumed that no more great stuff was coming my way.
Then I read my banner up top and go 'duh!!'. Like stick a neon sign on me and send me good things dude.

I'm so lucky. (lucky-lucky-lucky)

But you can sense and underlying haze of ungratefulness still hey? Well you'd be spot on if you did.

So, "I now release all my ungrateful attitude in relation to Charlotte getting into a lovely small, well run and thoroughly at-ease-putting school. "

And, "I am now swelled with overflowing Gratitude for the experiences that lay ahead and invite all the Beauty and Grace into my being that the Mother & Father can send to allow me to grow and stretch into this new guise."

I am now,..... a 'schoolmum'.


Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Yes, 'nostalgia'. Sort of sounds like a great disease.

My little girl started school today, and I'm sort'uv sick in the tummy and excited for her too. She makes friends so easily and loves to have a teacher, and a lunchbox,... and the eggs they were incubating at this school just started hatching out today so now they have fluffly yellow chicks. How can I, mere-old-mum, compare with fluffy yellow chicks! No chance!

She has a uniform on, and her hair up, and it was hard to pick her out amongst even a few children. Really weird. So! to make me feel better, doing a specifically indulgent thing, I have posted a picture of Charlie in her fairy best. This is how she really looks.

I'm just going to go off and hummmm and sigh and have a cup of tea....and wait for another hour to go by so I can get ready to go pick her up. Will's missing her too. He's been doing a bit of 'angry young man' thang.

Friday, May 12, 2006

show me where it hurts....

I love my physiotherapist. I just love her.....to bits. She's fab. She's also been my meditation teacher, so I always feel like I've got to show minimal pain when being manipulated, because you know, I should know how to relax it out.......

Moving house is always fraught with danger (is that how you spell fraught?). I stuffed my shoulder during the move but stubbornly (or should that be stupidly?) kept going on and on. Then, when I had said to myself, 'I want to vacuum my new home as I feel the unpacking is about done', then, and only then, my shoulder stopped moving. I got so sick from the pain that I nearly hurled. Psychological release, that's what it is. Wish I could do the same kind of control when casting a deep meditation thought out to it's destination. Ah anyway. All in good time.

I love the way it hurts more after seeing my Physio than it did before I saw her. I love coming away aching and bruised with cup marks on me that give the impression I have been attacked by an amorous alien. I love it. I love the look of disbelief and pure fear that my husband has when viewing these marks. It makes me feel tough.....and I love the ache from them.

And she just seems to know that even though my upper arm is hurting,...that she actually needs to pummel my neck vertebrae,... squishing in, squishing out, squishing all about,...until it is even more in pain than my upper arm. Then she starts on the lateral back muscle.
I know it's all going to be good in a day or two.
When I can stop wincing when I move.
When the Arnica cream starts working on the bruising. When I can imagine visiting her again without doing a big chicken-out in my head.

I love qualified bodyworkers.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

The need to see stars....properly

I don't quite know WHY, but it has always been very important to me to watch the stars at night, to say hello to Mother Moon and to generally bathe in moonlight. I don't mind if it is cloudy, I know they're there, but after a while I sincerely miss the little twinklies.

The move is DONE now, and we're IN! I remarked to my lovely Roberto last night that it seems we can view the stars much better from this place, which is odd because we are in an estate now, and the houses are supposed to be 'closer'.

But they're not. See at the other house, we were in 'suburbia', but modern suburbia, which is why we have such a depression epidemic now. The whole experience of living there was shyte. The neighbour was so close on either side,.. and this is the sort of thing that people save up to buy?! crazy. I'd rather live in an apartment anyday, or an estate like this one. It feels like a village and our backyard backs onto another backyard, so we feel a fair way from our neighbours.

What I am trying to get at is...it's all good.

I said hello to Orion and the other last night. Mother Moon is half full so she really IS Mother at the moment. The sky is clear, and on a good day I can see the top of Mt Lindsay from my balcony. I love it here.

The picture above is of the Orion Nebula from the NASA website.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Everything Sucks

Except for my children, and my husband, and my parents, and my sisters, ... and I'm sure my brother is a good guy too (just don't see him enough to know for sure....).

We've just moved house and it has left me feeling mostly uncharitable towards backward removalist firms, extortionate real estate agents and slack and overcharging carpet cleaners. You can all go suck on nasty nasty things!!!
Right. I feel released somewhat now.

I need to contact my darker side and implement a hex or two. For all the right reasons I can assure you and nothing too serious.

We had an extrordinary run of wankers and bastards in our lyfe in the last week or two. Not only has my sister been dealing with the '2 blade wanker', but we have dealt with the removalists who are all related to each other several times over. (yee haw) We've had other people who had previously come across as 'normal', 'easygoing', and generally human, change into immoral, loathesome, squirmy, gelatinous, cretins,....all vying to suck the cash out of my existence systematically, one by one, in sequence, without respite.

It's all a large learning curve I know, but frankly, at the moment I'm just way too overtired to give a flying fuq.
Night night.