Sunday, April 16, 2006

Moontides, Feng Shui and the Karmic Super Highway...

Been thinking about how the Moon affects life in general. I have always watched the Moon, been fascinated by it's various appearances, awed by some of them. Lately, I've been 'affected' by it though. I have been sent into a state of instability.

I think its this house I'm in.

Chinut moved into a house with very warped Feng Shui. If she had known just how much it was going to influence her life she would not have come here.

See? this is what happens when you surrender to the Universe and say 'I now surrender', because it just goes "Yippee! some new human to send on a Karmic Superhighway!!"

So, I have learned my lesson with Feng Shui. 'Don't let the Feng Shui spook you, but take enormous notice of your intuition too'.

The photo I have attached to this post is from a site called 'Harmonik Ireland', which is all about natural healing and a lot about water healing. Great site.

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