Friday, October 15, 2010

Levitation and talking to animals

Had another dream involving levitation last night again. And it was connected to old tribal ways and speaking to the spirit of animals telepathically. It was about getting used to trusting in a talent that not everyone has, and reveling in the 'wow' of being able to do stuff other people can't do yet. (as opposed to feeling 'guilty' or 'superior')  :)

I'd 'try' to float and it wouldn't work, but if I just kind of jumped up and 'sat' into the air, it was as if I was sitting on an 'air chair' and it floated me about all over the place. We (me and the tribal dudes I was with..they were kind of Moari and American Indian mixtures) levitated a kangaroo, a big grand daddy kangaroo, and the tribal shaman dude and the old woman of the tribe were showing me how to connect to the kangaroo's spirit and assure it that it was ok, and we would take care of it. Very interesting.
This is the kind of landscape we were in...its from Sedona, Arizona, USA.

Then I jumped on my 'air chair' and scooted around, enjoying the sensations.

I don't remember much more about it, but the whole levitation vibe is way wonderful :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Ascension and Untapped Potential

On Thursday morning I woke up from a dream about 'ascending'.
I had the word 'Ascension' in my Mind over and over again during the morning after waking, and then 'untapped potential' began to repeat for a while...

The dream was about me constructing a house, down in a shallow valley, a forest dell kind of place. The people I was working for some 'corporate types' who were concerned about having a building that would stand up to some kind of 'super storm', and were pointing out 'this and that' and asking about specifications of building materials, and construction systems etc...I remember being somewhat bewildered about their exacerbated sense of concern for the 'safety' of this building. I pointed out its favourable location, the quality materials used, and the expertise of the people working for them. I notice a friend / person supporting me off to the left side, but they are not 'in focus'.

Then in a flash, I'm in the loungeroom of my parents house, which my Father built, and I'm giving my presentation speech reclining on a cushion on the loungeroom floor. All very professional. (ahem..!) I say something like "Look, my dad built this house and its been through three cyclones and hasn't even lost the roof. This part of the house was actually built as the garage and its still here..." So I feel I was trying to convey that the structure I build is worth its weight in value due partly to my genetic gift of construction...who knows. Dreams are great like that.

While this presentation is occurring, the light outside has gone 'funny'. The sky has gone silvery grey and is the clouds are literally a constant stream of flying cloud, like strata cumulus at great speed. So fast it looks like liquid cloud, which is kind of funny because it looks like silver and light. I think to myself, 'Oh, so this is 2012, alright...'
WHOOOOMP! a huge blast of subsound hits and I see some people glowing, or more to the point, around them there is an outline of glowing light, and they are now hovering. I notice how green the trees are outside through the window, and strangely this is what I focus on ... not the hovering glowing people. I see the cloud sky, silver and shimmering and backlit with glowing light, streaming across the sky like messages flashing across a screen at great speed. The people who are hovering don't seem in pain, and thats a good thing. They look a little bewildered, taken off guard and 'lost'.

Then another WHOOOMP! and I really 'feel' it this time. Physically I feel it lift me up. I'm glowing now, I've got the outline of light, and the friend / guy I'm with in the dream is now in focus. He's concerned about me and he hovers over my way, arm outstretched, palm open, offering ... offering what? what could possibly help? I'm not scared, I'm not upset, I'm not panicking. What could I possibly DO that would change this amazing thing that's going on? Nothing. I float, I hover, I glow and slowly I start to ascend. A few other people are also ascending. Others are just floating and hovering about below, not moving upwards.

I look up to the streaming cloud message of silver and light and move upwards. I notice the guy / friend and I are holding hands. We have connected, but its neither good nor bad, it just is. I find I'm enjoying this sensation of floating and being weightless and directed. Something else has taken over and for once I'm not in charge of what's going to me or anyone else. That feels like.......being free for the first time in ages. Like a child.

Bubba woke me up seconds later (perhaps) demanding 'booooobeeeeee'. And I'm back in my life, obligated, loving, directing, assisting.