Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Lack of Sleep and The Life of Brian

Seems only strange chorus like messages come through at the right time, with this latest installment floating in after a very sleepless, hallucinating night of weird thoughts, dreams, nightmares and what-have-u...
Finally after a day of 'catching up' with health, and feeling somewhat downright odd, I get to have a warm shower, and *wow* all by myself after, *wow* having dinner made for me too!! Sacre Bleu an' all that. I haven't been ill for ages and this kind of 'glandy' 'flu-ish' feeling is really not not not welcome...I have babies to look after and 'things to do' and generally, I don't want to be ill, and and and...(you see where my thoughts were hey?)
So I'm in a little pit of despondency and self-pity, under a very warm shower, and in floats...
'When you're chewing on life's gristle, don't give up, just give a whistle!
and soon you'll see things turn - out - for - the - BEeeeeeeeeessssssssssttt....
Always look on the briiiiiight side of life...*whistle-whistle, whistle whistle whistle whistle*
Always look on the briiiiiight side of life... (and so on etc)

oh Monty so rock

Monday, August 02, 2010

Well, here I am.

I know I live too close to other houses, and other people, for my liking, but I am enjoying living here at this new house.

This morning I looked outside and I was able to see a beautiful big ironbark wrapped in a forest vine, shining in the dawn sunlight. Ahhh, it was so beautiful. And when I looked the other way out of my window I could see through the trees to a huge snowgum right inside the bushland near us. Its silvery bark shimmering. I walked outside to the backyard, barefeet onto squishy wet-with-dew grass, and soaked up some of Mumma's Earth vibes...very soothing, and looking up I saw the Moon,... with a little bit missing at the moment, but very prettily glowing out in the Northwest sky.

I get the feeling that if I stayed here I could get it altogether. I feel that it might just help me get the jigsaw done you know?

The other day I saw a Pheonix in the clouds at sunset (Southeastern sky, so its got to do with Growth and Perceived Wealths), and a few days before, another dragon this time in the Southern sky (strength and/or wisdom concerning Perceptions of Self etc)...Hummingbirds have been absent for a week or so...must have come through whatever that was. They were popping out all over the freakin place...
