Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I love my cool green page.
Its been so long since I put a post up. Partly this is due to baby being very demanding, and the time I DID get in front of the computer was used to find our new house, pay bills, or run the business. Writing sort of got sidelined, which is such a shame 'cause I find it cathartic, and inspiring and plain useful.
Our new home is great. Big, spacious, kind of echoey until we put the carpets down,...but all good. The toilets have exhaust fans in them that come on automatically, which is the only downside we experience, and one that Wil commented on the other day. He chose to pee in our ensuite loo during the day so he doesn't have to put the light on. Natural urinating is important to our boy...
The grass has no big ants. This is one major plus as I can put bubby down on the grass and she can rip the blades out with her little bitty toes. It goes all over the change table then, but I just love her face when she's gripping the grass and sucking in big happy breaths through her gummies, utterly satisfied with a big dose of earth energy vibes. :)
Charlie is looking forward to her own room and has decked out the 'playroom' in readiness for her 'move' when Wil can be happy sleeping in the middle room with baby.
Rob and me are looking forward to this too. I think we disturb her sleep sometimes, and I know she disturbs mine. But would I lie awake if I thought I'd heard a noise from the other room? Will I end up tip toeing through the hallway to 'check' on her three times a night? Ah, the questions of parenthood...

so now with all this good stuff coming my way, I am very hopeful of a happy stay here. The gum trees are all about. I woke up to birdsong this morning without the background of heavy vehicle traffic. It was lovely.
I think I could seriously go even further rural if the opportunity arose. I see a galvanised roof and warbling maggies in dawn light, frost on paddock grass, and slow moving cows moving up from a misty billabong.
It'd be grand wouldn't it.