Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Dylan Moran - May 6 - The Concert Hall

Ah Dylan. You really are a disheveled, drunk Irishman. How very endearing.

The Dylan Moran one man show came to Brisbane over the weekend. He played two nights at The Concert Hall at QPAC (otherwise known as 'the most annoying building on earth) and the fun was had by all.

This guy is profound in his ramblings. I loved how transparent he was.

Obviously loves his wife and children, as he used keen observation for the material of most of his work. Enlightening. And he even did a pretty decent take off of an Australian accent, with a slight speech impediment.

My most memorable insight of the night from him was the analogy of a woman's mind, after becoming a mother, to that of a plate of chips....and of the children's questions being like seagulls. See? Profound.

And Dylan, babe it's no use hiding that sexy bod under the baggy jeans and shirt...we all know what's happening beneath it all.....

what a powerpak of celtic masculinity....


Sunday, May 06, 2007

"I attract Large Spontaneous Windfalls of money in Perfect Ways"

That has been in my head for what seems like months now. I had a lovely experience with it a few weeks ago when I noticed that the person who had rang me to say they couldn't get to their appointment, and so asked me to give their appointment time to their mother and then booked another time, and then bought the gift voucher etc...


I looked at my diary and noticed that I had written this woman's address in a page that was a week 'behind', basically the wrong page. BUT. where I had written her details in was where I had also written 'I attract spontaneous windfalls of money" :) he he he...I love it.

Connections are never coincidences....