Sunday, June 04, 2006

You know it's Winter when....

you can easily be in bed by 7:30pm and not want to get out until 7:30am, .....when the sun is fully 'up'. That way you can run to 'the sunny spot' in the house and defrost. Making dashes to the kettle, and back, to... 'the sunny spot', and wrapping chapped fingers around steaming mugs of tea.

Ah I love it though. Even if it is only going to be for a couple of months. It's the joy of the experience, ya know? Before we can buy a tub of body moisturiser to allay the dry flaky skin of our season we name 'cold', we'll be slapping on the sunscreen and whinging about heatstroke over a large jug of Gin & Tonic. With lime of course.....

The photo is of 'The Nine Ladies', a stone circle in England that has been under supervision by several conservation organisations as a whopping quarry was planned to be dug near it. The last I have heard is that it is safe. Until the next pack of bastard mongrel wankers tries to rip into yet another jewel of an area in M.O.E. I'm sending my love to all those long haired, smelly, well educated, big hearted travellers who do us proud with their tunnelling and tree dwelling. Keep on doing that hard and usually unappreciated work!

Visit the Megalithic Portal site for more info on conservation of this type.

1 comment:

ChiNut said...

Merci! Merci!
don't try me out with any more en Francaise though. I only remember a bit to impress the boys with......:) heheheheheh)