Saturday, June 10, 2006

Piss off Parkie! I'm tryin ta sleep!

Ah kay. You know when you've had a run in with someone about something, and you know it's going to be more harmonious to just 'leave it' and move on. Let the world keep turning etc. but these little voices start popping up and creating dialogue in your head?
With me it's always an interview with Michael Parkinson. He's very insistent and relentless is Mike.

So I get the sweats induced dream of being interviewed by MP on his show and, lo and behold!, the archnemisis of the-current-issue-at-hand is the topic, and sometimes even the second guest. Yikes!

Suprisingly, I found out recently, this is not an uncommon phenomenon. Robbie Williams confessed to having this happen to him in times of stress too. To think! that bundle of tight buns the Robster has the same pschological process as a mere mortal. Great.
(maybe it's got something to do with the history of alcohol and drug abuse......?)

Anyhoo. I got through the interview, and, considering, I think I came across ok. I made good points and described in detail my reasons, opinions and dealt with humble awareness my own weaknesses which undeniably lead to the situation arising, "Yes...... of course Michael, I see that very clearly".

He not only shook my hand at the end of the session but gave me the 'forearm clasp' only reserved for those he truly connects with.
We even did the inaudible gratitudes at the end too.
It was a beautiful moment......

I feel healed. :) thanks Mike. Now rack off and let me get some shut eye. xx


Sister Buckle said...

Now that's funny. Heh ehheh.

I wouldn't feel I had to justify myself to Parky, though. He's on his way out.

If I were a rock star on that show, I'd just snort some crack and tell jokes the whole time.

ChiNut said...

Mmmmm. I wouldn't have thought it was 'justifying'. Yet I am often drawn into situations where I do end up making convoluted explanations of events that have occurred. A-hem.
Best be on my guard for those ones eh? EH?!! ;)

I'd love to see you snort crack on Parkie. And tell jokes, and perhaps you could fart a bit too. I think he will still be going when you become famous. He may need an oxygen tank beside him by that time, but I reckon he'd still be asking questions like a Yorkshire Terrier. Hold on Parkie! Don't let go luv!! Get that girl into rehab!!