Friday, June 09, 2006

"It's a new dawn, it's a new day....."

Oh dear.
What a time I've had in the last day or two. I've been angry, upset, angry then a bit more upset, then inconclusive, then wavering. Ah dear me.

I had the experience of being confronted by a person yet again (read 'old grey horses') who wanted to extol their amazing grasp of all knowledge. Yippee...bring me more of those. NOT.

An ex-tutor got to writing a veiled insult against Feng Shui practitioners who are still 'in their ignorance' because they are practicing Bagua Feng Shui and not authentic Feng Shui.

Well, let's just begin by saying I wasn't impressed with the insinuation that I'm stoopid because I don't get fanatical about a certain kind of study. I think all ways of approaching Feng Shui are for all different types of people. And we only have to search a little to find what suits us best.

(And this person has taken money to tutor at a place where all schools of feng shui are taught and supported. It doesn't smack of a lot of integrity to be able to have no tolerance for practitioners who use different schools of feng shui and then to accept money to teach at an establishment that supports this)

I've studied them both and they both have their upsides and downsides. I'm not into superstition, but I'm happy to let someone have their three toed frog if it makes them feel better! Ya know!!? I don't feel the NEED to tell them that it 'doesn't work' and won't make them wealthy, because 'wealth' means such a lot of different things too. Not just moola.

Wealth of peace of mind may be given to someone because they use their frog at the doorway. Who am I to take that away?

What was written by ancient sages is truly useful, and then, a lot of it must be used and moulded to be for our day and time. Authentic Feng Shui is all about Time, and it's effect and that it changes situations. Yet this particular authentic practitioner was quoting something from an ancient text that quite frankly was just posturing and has not got a lot to do with what I was upset about.

He was alluding to the possibility that all un-authentic practitioners were 'fraudulent'. Which got my hackles up well and good. It's not fraudulent if your main intention is to help, you deliver aide and you are making a positive difference in someone's life, because that's what they have asked you to do. It would be different if they ask for a Flying Stars assessment and I use the Bagua on them. That's fraud.

This whole rant makes little sense, I know. Just a written vomit. :)

So, I replied to the said writing and got a nasty rebuke. Waht-ever! Like I so give a flying fuq. It felt so refreshing to press 'delete', to press 'leave group', and to realise I'm never going to have to read any of this twat's writing ever again. Yeehah. The gift of release given to yourself is very ..... empowering.
"I am ten foot tall and bullet proof!"
"I attract and accept all beauty into my life now"
"I am justified through my actions"
"I live and love with integrity"

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