Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Schuey...we luv u

The most contained, diplomatic, polite, respectful, intelligent and constrained driver in the whole of the Formula One pack is the fab Michael Schumacher.

I was so utterly pissed over the weekend to see that he'd been penalised and put at the back of the grid for a suspect engine stall on the qualifying lap that left Alonso (the current leader this season) unable to complete his final qualifying lap and therefore putting MS in the front spot on poll. So?! Schuey would have got it anyway. The contention is that they reckon he'd done it on purpose to stop Alonso getting poll position. Whaaaat a weak argument. What a weak accusation. Just deplorable.

And bless his little Germanic cardio pulmonary system, he came back and finished 5th moving an astonishing 17 places up through the field on the Monaco circuit. Which is bastard hard to make places on as it's terrible to overtake anywhere.

I felt it was a tremendously succinct way of giving those F1 officials the bird.

Schuey, WE LUV U!

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