Saturday, June 24, 2006

La Dolce Vita! Bravo!!

"don't be misled! these boobs take some maintenance!"

Not unlike the Fredericho Fellini movie, I am feeling somewhat bold, buxom and brazen.

I feel I am definitely in a good life, living it. Maybe it's because the array of musical talent has, inevitably, relented in my head.

Maybe it's because it's school holidays and I feel the 'chaffeur' will be getting a rest from the twice daily run of school 'drop off' and 'pick up'.

Maybe it's the cool weather which draws me to think of green grass and rain drops sliding off slowly from leaf and frond.

My Pan God has come to visit and he's a barrel of fun if not a little misrepresented in the media. I love this time of year. It's like the whole damn continent just gives up a sigh and asks for a glass of red. Luvley.

I had four guests around to dinner last night. (plus lovely husband, myself and two beautiful children) Homemade pizza by moi, with herb crusts (organic herbs from my garden, forgive the immodest show of pride there, but it's well founded....), many different kinds of vegetable goodnesses as toppings, AND, we even had one with artichoke hearts, chargrilled capsicums, sun-dried tomatoes, and the most brilliant ingrediant of ALL TIME, boconccini.
(oh let me go and have an appetite orgasmmmm)

Everyone got extremely full of pizza, wine and salads. It was good. I got to say that my brother-in-law has feet like a Hobbit, and because of the jocular nature of the evening, everyone laughed! Oh! Hahahahah!
I even got to say other things that due to the happy nature of the night and the distension of everyone's bellies was taken lightly,.... as if no-one was listening at all!
...maybe no-one was listening at all.....
oh well...

To reiterate. Life is good. Living the good life. La Dolce vita is alive and well in the skipping little land of Chinut. Taking orders for pasta night next week.

1 comment:

Sister Buckle said...

Glad the music relented - usually that's my cue for a scotch and a panadol! I can't stand the racing brain thing unless I'm writing something and it has somewhere to leak from.

Ooh - pizza sounds too gooood. I miss you *sniff*.