Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Manifestation or delusion?

Manifestation is the ability to make real our dreams and hopes, needs and wants, whether you choose to define them as such or not. Manifestation has intrigued me and I admit, I used to dismiss it as coincidence. Now I think that NOTHING is coincidence. Everything, that is, ev-er-y thing, happens because it needs to so that something else can occur and because something previous has occurred. Then we could get into parallel existences and really screw with my head, but lets not go there,....I've just washed clothes all day, cooked school dinners in advance, then our dinner, then bathed children (I call it the 'feed n dip' time of day), and I should be, at this very moment, going through a project on the endangered Asian Elephant for my six year old's new school teacher.

There is enough to contend with without going for the parallel existence thing ..... yet.

It's all got a lot to do with the Universal Law of Attraction..........
What we focus on we attract to our existence and our experience of life.

"I now attract beautiful experiences filled with prosperity and the cumulo-nimbus like growth of my spirit!"

Yee-hah. Love a good affirmation.

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