Thursday, May 25, 2006

Into the Dead Zone....

Right. I'm at the point of the influenza virus lifespan where one wakes up full of the beauty that one can breathe through both nostrils. Only later to find that seeing as the body has done so much work to achieve this mighty feat that it has no puff left. Out of puff. puffed out. zlpt!
Today will be quiet. Quie-et.
(and Will won't drink his milk, Charlie won't get dressed....they can smell the weakness of the Mummy....)


Sister Buckle said...

I think you need lots of lollies.

Remember warm lemonade? How odd...I remember that lemonade in the little saucepan.

Anonymous said...

I've had jelly dinosaurs and I must admit, it helped enormously. Just that gooey, teeth sucking loveliness to salivate with. YUM.
Now I'm into the blowing nose continuously stage. Lervly.