Friday, January 05, 2007

You know when you have one of those moments when you really do feel that you have just been tipped into a parallel universe where every kind of weird verbal behaviour ever tried out in sketch comedy is coming true?

(Me on the phone to Rob)
"Babe! just went into the accounts to check on the Credit card, and saw that the bank has you overdrawn in your first account! you want me to transfer some money into it from your other account?"
(Me, again)
"Your direct debit for the car insurance,'s put your first account into the red"
*getting slightly wary now* "Yeah babe. The first account, the one you use all the time, .......*breathe* it's gone into negative because the insurance for the car has been taken out"
*thinking 'oh dear' to herself*


"..........are you saying it's overdrawn?"

"Ok then babe, take out some money from the bottom account..."
"You mean the one marked 'bpay and direct debits' ?"
"...nah, the bottom account......."
"Rob, the bottom account has a heading that YOU have put on it and it's marked 'bpay and direct debits'! That IS the one you mean right?"

More painfullness ensues, with me shouting sternly down the phone that I WILL NOT shout down the phone at him, and could he PLEASE answer the fricking question!!

Ded set!

Thank goodness he's got that all helps.


Sister Buckle said...

Too much information!

I liked everything up to the 'Ded set' mark. Then it got a little 'ensuite eavesdropping' for me.


I hope he doesn't have a blog about you somewhere!

(got you worried now don't I???)

ChiNut said...

Nah. Rob doesn't even want to know how to spell 'blog'.
No introspection for our dear Roberto. It's not his 'thing'.

ChiNut said...

.......and like, 'hey!'. I'm sexually fulfilled to a certain extent, so bloodywell be happy for me, alright?!