Tuesday, January 16, 2007


'Water', 'Moon', and 'Rowan'. (top to bottom)

Yes. Well I cleaned up the land of 'spare oom' once again. I seem to be getting drawn to that corner of the house A LOT,.......so best just to give in and do something constructive while I'm hanging about there. Found lots of my old notepads with painfully naive and cringeworthy prose. But some of it I actually like. It's so honest, so I can see past a lot of the angst. (only I would though, anyone else would just think it's shyte....)

Got out a few of my old sketches and scanned in a couple of my dragons. As you can see, I like dragons. And I usually have three or so around at any given time. (virtual or tangible.....)

Chucked a heap of old stuff out that felt real good to get rid of. Sort of like removing 'glug' from my aura. NYYYYYYYYCE.

So here's to a few more sketches being made, a few more reading evenings now that I have my Feng Shui notes in order, and my theory ripe for the picking...


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