Saturday, January 20, 2007

Integrity, and fame, 'n'stuff.....

Just read this on one of my emails this morning and thought it represented the kind of integrity that attracts me to certain people....

"[Coltrane contemporary and jazz musician] Dave Liebman expands the thought: " 'What stays with me about the Coltrane Quartet is an image of them getting up on the bandstand ... completely burning for two hours without a word to anybody, getting off the stage and sitting down like any other person. Not having an entourage around them or anything. Then doing it again, with unpretentiousness, absolute honesty and matter-of-factness. ... I still try to live up to that image: to do your work, to do it intensely, with conviction, and be honest with the music."Ashley Kahn, A Love Supreme, Penguin, 2002, pp. 66, 210.

It's very similar to the way I was amazed by Deva and Mitten and their unannounced entry to the 'stage'. I wish I would have waited back and given them both a big hug, like I would to anyone giving me a mantra session.... :)

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