Thursday, January 18, 2007

Deva Premal in Brisbane 17.01.07

That was just so full on, and wonderful, and uplifting, and quietning, and calming, and nourishing.

Deva Premal concerts are unlike anything ever experienced before.

From the end of the first little interlude she made it clear that we "don't have to, you know, clap.....after each mantra,........because sometimes, after the mantra ends, want to just sit and feel the mantra, I am like, giving you the night off....." :)

She's lovely. So slight, and strong, and humble and with just the most lovely lovely lovely resonant voice. To begin the concert she and her husband walked on stage unannounced, very quiet, very slowly and then bowed to the audience, hands in the prayer position, receiving the blessing and sending it back out to all of us. Then they just sat down and got their instruments together, spoke quietly to one another, and then she directs us that "we will start tonight with three Ohms".

If you've ever been in a chanting circle, done a toning meditation with others, or something similar (like belonging to a Welsh choir) you will understand the power that's in a resonant chant. Times that by hundreds of people in one auditorium and you have an idea of why I nearly exploded with JOY on the first Ohm. :))

Their accompanying flautist was great too. Very cute.

The concert went over time as it's their first one of the year and they were getting themselves together and they just went with the flow. It was great. Highlight of the night was the Gayatri Mantra which everyone wished was earlier in the night when our voices were stronger. Oh but it does not matter when really, it was always going to be 'the thing' of the concert for me.

Michelle dressed up so nicely that a complete stranger gave her a compliment. She had a black floor length skirt on with a blood red velvet corset...and her hair up in little Teutonic buns, like a mini Princess Leia. :) I was in linen pants and shirt that creased easily. I looked remarkably well matched to the rest of the audience. :) It had to happen sometime.....


Anonymous said...

Ah - the joy of live music!

You'll be out all the time now, you chanting hipster.

ChiNut said...

Where there's a chant, there I shall BE...........:)
