Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Hi! I'm here!

Putting up the Green Man on my garden wall was like a milestone for me. I felt a sense of welcoming myself into this place a little more, of inviting in those things that are part of ME a little more, and of making sure the other things that are already here can say hello to the old man and be assured I'm a friend.
He's up there, grinning de-pupiled eyes and leafy hair. Love him.
I conversed with the spirits of the trees over to the West the other day. They swayed a message of anticipation, of a birth to come and of making sure I stop and gather up some goodness. Being root Beings, I guess they know all about the need to exist in one space to nourish, yet be able to stretch all the way to places only a few ever reach. And I must admit I have been running around a bit in my head and in my life. I have been missing the stopping and soaking up. And I haven't been feeling my Self very much in the last week or so.
Not suprisingly all this led to a major love-in with my Vetiver Oil. I annointed my big dining table and have been rubbing it into my wrists and the soles of my feet all the damn time! So blissed out and grounded.


Sister Buckle said...

I dig the green man, man.

I want to see that kid's program again from when I was at school and could watch things in the afternoon on channel 2 - The Children of Green Noh. It started with a flood. I think it was wartime. I probably like the memory of it more than if I watched it again.

ChiNut said...

Was it a programme? I have the book and have tried to read it to Charlotte but she's a few month's out of getting into it. It has the green man in an incarnation in it.
Ah it's been a long time no chi sista B. This new moon period has me feeling like Austin P with 'NOWE MOEJOE'.

Sister Buckle said...

I knew it as an ABC program definitely. But then I found the story at a book exchange and tried to read it and founf it quite dull. The TV show had atmos, baby.

Might give you a call tonight and Mojo you up :)