Wednesday, October 25, 2006

like, just,....ewwwwwwwww

Like now I know why I'm just so not into going to the Doctor's and all that.
I went to an appointment today, hoping that the question could be resolved about my state of pregnancy, or not. So I rock up there for the expected tummy prod and urination test. Uh uh. I get the urination test thing, negative, and then she says, "I vill jost du a qvick enternil tu jeck vhar yr yoooteruz iz".

Zah wah??! Right. Fine. Just do it and let me out of here. Daks down. Internal done. ewwwwwwwww. just. EWWWWWWWWWW.

"Nooo. Ze yooteruz izin ze ryt plays" she says as she *!!z-wacks!!* off her latex gloves.
Well thank you very much.
I'll just go to the loo and remove the ton of oozy goo yoo had to yooos. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!

I am now booked in to the pathology clinic for a blood test because she's worried about my goita that I've had for all my life and never had a problem from. I go there. I don't mind blood tests, they just waste time because they always come back fine. So I sit down and get jabbed and she doesn't stop after the first vial. Or the second. I say " Wow, heh, how much are you gonna take out! heheheh"
"Oh,...... three vials for this".

I'm also booked in for a mini minor up the cunt next week, otherwise known as a pap-smear. I feel so medico bullied!

It's just enough. Time for red wine and Star of Bethlehem.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Hi! I'm here!

Putting up the Green Man on my garden wall was like a milestone for me. I felt a sense of welcoming myself into this place a little more, of inviting in those things that are part of ME a little more, and of making sure the other things that are already here can say hello to the old man and be assured I'm a friend.
He's up there, grinning de-pupiled eyes and leafy hair. Love him.
I conversed with the spirits of the trees over to the West the other day. They swayed a message of anticipation, of a birth to come and of making sure I stop and gather up some goodness. Being root Beings, I guess they know all about the need to exist in one space to nourish, yet be able to stretch all the way to places only a few ever reach. And I must admit I have been running around a bit in my head and in my life. I have been missing the stopping and soaking up. And I haven't been feeling my Self very much in the last week or so.
Not suprisingly all this led to a major love-in with my Vetiver Oil. I annointed my big dining table and have been rubbing it into my wrists and the soles of my feet all the damn time! So blissed out and grounded.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

totally oxcellent dudes

My totally oxcellent big sister bought me a pair of running shoes today. i luv her. :)

I did do a Reiki session on her leg that is recovering from surgery, and I do listen with integrity to her when she needs to talk, but I thought that was just a sisterly thing to do. I'd expect her to do the same. But, hey, it's all good. If it makes a good difference for her to exchange in this way I'm for it!

So. I've already been on the treadmill with the shoes, 'cause I just like HAD TO RUN with them on straight away, and I've gotten a liddle widdle blister from them already. Awww bless. I'm going to be warrior-girl this arvo and take the kids to the park for frisbee time with the new shoes on ..... regardless of the blister. I giv ze blista nusszing! Not even a thought.
Rah Hah.........;/

Friday, October 06, 2006


ftzlwph pstfeeeeest :P

ok. slightly recovered from finding this picture. er like how lovely is that?!

as a slasher website has written about Bodie 'well, you only need one of them to pull a plow', oh yes indeedy. the sevuntees 'non-hairstyle' is just adorable too. :)

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Reiki me baby

Received my Reiki I and II yesterday. My tutor says she has never done two attunements like this for anyone, but because I've done the energy work before and hands on healing, she felt that I was going to have no trouble coping with Reiki. I felt so.... proud of myself, and so grateful to her for trusting in me.

So, good. I received some very vivid and beautiful visions during the first and second attunements, and I am so very grateful and, just tickled pink, to have been given them. :)) Kali came in very strong on the first attunement. Beautiful, powerful, laden eyes opening and closing as the energy came through. Then I was given a vision of my energy/essence cloaked in a golden coat of feathers that were glowing with energy force, on the second attunement. Very calming though. The first attunement also had a nice physical effect when the symbols were put into my palms. The feeling is quite undescribable, but, it sort of felt like 'fuzzzy lightening' going in and then up my arms. Just so cool! :)

I'm just going to float around for the next month or two on those memories. We also were able to perform a powerful healing on my friend (she's just left her wank of a husband) who is going through a very tough changing period right now. Hence, I feel, the reason for Kali's strong presence within me on the day. We were weeping with her as she was releasing the grief that had been wracking her being. It was quite a baptism of fire for all of us. :) Not to worry. All for a good reason. We saw just how useful, and necessary this technique is.

So yes. A big day. We did five healings as a group on each of us. Talk about molto bene mojo.

- the graphic is from a website I can't remember. to the artist I send full credit for a nice representation of the energy body :)