Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Yew like??

I have popped a wee photo up on my profile. Feeling sort of energised,...or zapped, perhaps both at the same time. I've had enquiries and bookings for consultations all OVER the place. Great. Now I just have to complete all that work and .....
spread the LOVE!!! :) ahahahh.....


Sister Buckle said...

Hey - now that I'm at home, I sa==can safely say the photo does not come up :(

It didn't come up on my work computer either :(

I'd give it another bash.

Can you see it?

ChiNut said...

yes. It's all a bit shyte isn't it. Comes up on the upload screen but won't show on this one. And it is in the limit range whatever thingy.
*tired sigh with apparent apathy* fuck it. I'll fix it some other time.....

Anonymous said...


Didn't come up on my computer either :-/
I'm on a Mac and use Safari browser....

never mind.

on the brighter side, I have got a gift for you from the Chenrezig Institute: couldn't resist when I saw it. Must catch up for tea soon!! well, either tea or just the usual gathering around the mixing pot.... :-)


ChiNut said...

"boil boil toil and bubble"
etc etc etc.....
Yes! can't wait for the next get together ... and my present! I'm so excited! I have not received a present for ages. *doing little dance now and blowing kisses*

xx see u soon u baltic beauty u !!

Sister Buckle said...


I think you need to do a new post. This whole photo not working thing has stifled some chi.

You show this website who's boss!!!!!!
