Friday, July 28, 2006

pissing down!

What a bloody downpour.

An insomniac can tell you the exact moment of rain beginning to fall at night. They heard the first droplet. I heard the first droplet. Very pretty. Now it's just pissing down and keeping the children indoors when they could use a day of sunshine to dry themselves up. Ah anyway.....

Days like this remind me of the story of Carl Jung and his vision of God doing any enormous turd down onto the world. I can't help visualising an old man in white robes, standing idly like the little cherub in the fountain in Italy, humming quietly while he does THE MOST extended urination in the history of existence....
........just pissing down.

"dah daahhhh, de dumm. Do doooo, de deeeee, laahh lah lah lah......."

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