Tuesday, August 22, 2006

something for a giggle

This was what should have been pinned on me yesterday at the 'unveiling' of my daughter's school makeover. They won $75000 worth of landscaping etc, and, well, if I could see $30000 worth of it then my arse is a sugarloaf.

At least the furniture they got will last about 3 months. It's all from Ikea. :) bless. And the bromiliades they planted everywhere will propagate lots and lots of mosquitoes for the children to play with. Oh the joys of living in a tropical climate. Then there's the half dozen Grevillias they planted too, they look fab. Unfortunately one of the boys at the school is severely allergic to them. It could all have been helped with a little communication!!

Sarcasm anyone? Going cheap today.....

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