Saturday, August 26, 2006

It's the little things

We took the children through a carwash tonight. First time I think they've ever been through one and it freaked them out a bit.

We got lots of 'oooohs' and 'aaahhhhs', but then we also got lots of plaintive whines and 'Daddy!!! I want to get OUT!!' as well. The latter from little Will.

It's just these little moments that happen in life, with children, a child; that seem to last as a momentary time capsule. I remember things like this from my childhood, and they make time irrelevant, because the moment is as it was back then. It hasn't changed.

Memories are to me like a resonance. A sound that can be recaptured instantly by the mind. Each note is changed slightly by Distance and not Time itself. The melody is always familiar. You know what I mean?

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