Wednesday, July 12, 2006

A day in the life of..

When I got to school yesterday morning, it was the first day back from holidays, and I was doing the usual happy happy face "Hi! How are you! Had a good holiday?" round of the parents there. Got chatting small time with a couple of the ladies doing most of the 'organising stuff' that needs to be done by dedicated parent types. Found myself on the end of the question
"So you're coming along to wrap lollies tomorrow afternoon?" *smiling expectantly*
I did a couple of mental backflips, halfpikes with various twists, and still could not recall anything to do with lollies and the wrapping there of. Darn!
So smiling back like I had a flipping clue what she was on about I reply "Yes! Of course! About 2ish say? Great!"

So today. I find myself with sticky labels in a factory line up closing up plastic bags of sweeties. The smell of sugar and butter with nuts of various sorts and quantities wafting up. That wouldn't be bad at all, but I've just chosen to go on a 'cut down on chocolate and cheese' phase, and this little chore just seriously blew it!

I've spent the day doing the washing, cleaning sheets, space clearing my room, re-organising my assortment of incense, playing with Will, eating apples on the swing chair while playing eye-spy (illiterate friendly eye-spy), mulling over the thought that my life has dramatically illustrated to me the need for a plan, AND, sorting and sealing bags of lollies.

It's an odd world when you are being Mother.


Sister Buckle said...

Heh - it was just a matter of time before one of those 'O no! Everyone will think I'm an unorganised mum!' situations arose.

It's like a Desperate Housewives cliche. But you didn't then go and shag the rugged ex-con groundsman so it's not really a believable comparison.

ChiNut said...

Mmmmmm...yes. I did have a momentary fantasy about the strapping, blonde, Northern English, arborist that was wanting information about the carparking times of the school. Nothing like a man with ropes and a woody whiff of the outdoors to get my pulse racing! :))

But no. No shagging. Disorganisation. But no shagging.

Sister Buckle said...

Balance woman! Balance!

Who am I to talk. I was up in the mountains all weekend and didn't get shagged once by a passing outlaw :(