Tuesday, April 11, 2006

William's Bum and Charlotte's Smile

Well 'lo there everybody!

My Sister Buckle has been saying for a while now that I am one of the people she knows that would benefit from having a blog. B-L-O-G. sounds lovely. Kate's new album sounds lovely too. I have been listening to it today and can say that it was worth the wait.

So on this very wonderful new day, I thought I would share with you some simple thoughts and happynings of my life.

My son William, 3 years, has given me much joy and consternation in his life so far. One of the joys at present is his pre-bath sequence in which he gets naked, by degrees, until standing proudly starkers, he turns.....and shakes his bum at anyone present while singing 'Nakey! Nakey! Nakey! Nakey bum, na-na-na-na-nahhhhh!'....and then he tears off at top speed to the bathroom with my inevitable cry of "DON'T RUN ON THE TILES WILLIAM!!!!!". bless.

Little Charlotte is just... beautiful. She sings along to Tori Amos and Kate Bush, and quite frankly, I think she is just as good at dancing like Kate Bush AS Kate Bush. We did a bubble blowing Tori-fied dance today, outside on the grass. She is also really into any reptiles, so we watched the crazy South African guy who catches snakes on Animal Planet last night, and we ate chocolate and crisps while William was in bed and Daddy was out playing snooker. Perfect life. The South African dude is like totally rad too. Check him out if you can. (he jumped out of a tree into a river to catch one of the snakes he was looking for! Just mad...)

1 comment:

Sister Buckle said...

Aw! I love the feel of this. It's going to be a nice blog.