Saturday, April 22, 2006

the Great and Beautiful Beyond......

I am just about to go 'off' and visit the heady realm of Evanessance (is that how you spell it?) and Three Doors Down. I have a fixation with the songs 'Bring me to Life' and 'Kryptonite' at the moment. As well as Kate's new 'Sunset' song. Fab. Fab. Fab. They are the fingertips to sanity at the moment as we are packing up this house and buggin out to a new place. Just in the nick of time methinks.

Moving house has led itself to a place where I am visualising actually BEING in this new place. I see the light from certain windows, I feel the breeze in the courtyard, I imagine walking to the library up the hill. All very comforting.

This has made me think of my Grandmother's house. Her walls. Her wallpaper. Her swirly wirly carpet. The SMELL of her cooking. The smell of her bathroom, with the soap and the powder. It's a beautiful reminder to me that the 'great beyond' need not be at all filled with any kind of fear, but rather, a kind of longing for the 'new' in life. Oh LIFE.

Oh now to the 'Last Week' of living in 'this' abode. The things that bug me, come up 100x their intensity. The annoying sound of the fridge clicking on and clacking off and the generated HUMMMMMMMMMMM of it's motor tooo toooo tooooooo close to my bedroom door. Oh to be in two floors of living again. Yes, I am definitely living in my new place already, if only in my heart so far.

Aye but it's nyce to see all the stuff getting packed. To discover stuff packed since the last move and to find toys behind and underneath furniture that the kids have been parted with. They LOVE me for finding these things. It sort of makes up for the skid marks on knickers to clean and the endless damp towels to pick up. Oh the joys and wonders and absolute beauty of motherhood!!!!!

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