Thursday, April 27, 2006

Cheese on toast and Autumn

There's a definite quality in the air at this time of year, that is so very conducive to the partaking of warm and oily toppings on bread.

I remember from my childhood, never being 'allowed' to make something as extravagant as 'cheese on toast' in the mornings. Much better for my Mum to just clean up a milky bowl than the gooey and crumbly mess that such a project as cheese on toast does accrue. At least this is the distinct impression I got.

So, no spaghetti on toast, not baked beans on toast, not cheese on toast. I did however get the occasional omlette seeing as Ma was partial to these herself, but mainly it was 'the large pot of porridge' for brekky in Winter, and the cereal or jam on toast in Summer. (anyone who has grown up in a tropical climate knows that Summer actually is just the season that should be called 'Hot', and lasts for nine months of the year)
I only discovered that bacon, mushroom, sausages and grilled tomato were considered breakfast foods, in my late teens and early twenties. What a sheltered life I'd had!

It was good to find the full English type breakfast at such an age as it was required to reline the stomach after drinking binges, and offset the inevitable hangover scratch in the small intestine. (youngsters take note)

Lyfe at home was an endless search for the feeling of Autumn. That coolness that led me to truly believe I could put on clothes that had sleeves. The view of plants not wilting in a sea of crackly goldeness. Skies of blue without 'bite'. I think that's what ultimately attracted me to go to Britain.

Then I did a very silly thing.

I went from midsummer here to midwinter in Scotland. Sort of blew the fairytale ya know?

So now, I enjoy the onset of cool weather here. I make the most of it. I eat my toast and melted cheese! I make large breakfasts of spaghetti, grilled tomato and mushrooms with shallots and pepper and herbs! (gone vego you see, no piggy wiggy for me) I wear sleeved shirts! I wear my jeans and I rejoice in my clothesedness!!

Oh beautiful Autumn, may we never ever call you Fall.


Sister Buckle said...

What planet were you living on? What about the messiness of French Toast? What about the Jaffle maker?!

I protest!

ChiNut said...

Ah these were all after my early childhood, the time you were able to eat jaffles (and yes, I concur messiness was evident and plentiful) I was already going through puberty.
You see, after YOUR arrival, the order maintained by dear Ma was just shot to bits. You were like the catalyst akin to a great earthquake. Frightening yes, but ultimately necessary to restore planetary balance. :)

Sister Buckle said...

Don't play those mind games with me - that jaffle maker is from 400BC. (Before Carmen).

I think we'll have to agree to disagree.

(I'll go and put you on my links list now that I've thought of it. Sister of Sister Buckle)