Thursday, June 03, 2010

What I've become

Hello again dear blog xxx

Well, a lot has been happening since we last connected. I read a few of the old posts and see that I was slightly fixated with red wine and magic. Which is all good, in moderation for the first and in excess for the second.

I went through a massive 9month stint of not drinking ANYTHING, and walking each day, mantra, Kirtan, meditation etc. All good for the Mind, Body and Spirit. Then, at the end, to save my marriage, my friendship, my relationship, my family, ...I involved myself again, and seeing as I am 'ms fertility', the result is Angelina Petal. Freaked me out no end, but, I do so honestly believe, in all my heart, that things happen for a purpose, so I took a few months to go through the twists and turns of 'how the bloody hell am I going to do this!', and, 'why is this happening NOW????!', and came to a Peace.
I came to a strength too.
I came to realise I had friends, and those friends were and invaluable source of strength in their own right, but encouraged my own sense of power too.

So now, dear blog, I am more powerful from a most powerful experience, that I am guilty of not talking to you about. The waterbirth, at home, of my third child, Angelina Petal :)

Pics coming soon :)
Promise! :)

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