Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Whao! back again!

The view from my new herb garden pot. We buried Angelina's placenta in here and things grow fantastically! :)

Yegodz...has it been so long!? Apologies oh little blog. I didn't mean to neglect you so. I've been ever so busy being kept awake for the last year or more with this little baby, and the children...and we began Home-ed again last year...so I've been you know, just flat out... Soz. ;(

If its at all an excuse, I've been working at this new business...keeping it going and getting ahead a bit. We've moved again, this time to Eagleby near Beenliegh. The nieghbours at Ormeau were repulsive. Smoking, swearing, verbally abusing their small children, and the house, mon dieu...the house. SO many spiders, so close to the other houses...so blaaaghhhh. Big, new, spacious etc...but drafty, ill-designed. The feng shui of it was not overcomable with ANY of the tricks and tweaking I know about...and trust me, I know about a LOT of them.

So, over the next few weeks, I'll fill you in all about the new developments...the children had to be formally registered for Home-ed, so I'm 'in process' with that now. I feel like I want to completely turn around everything and change it all, business, home-life, everything.

Anyway. Stay tuned.


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