Friday, June 04, 2010

Wealth Perceptions

What is wealth to you?

I've spent so much time helping people increase their Wealth Opportunities using Feng Shui, and Law of Attraction/Law of Resonance, that it sometimes clouds my own perception of wealth.

Then I come home, and I see my children, and I sleep in my bed, drink some wine, eat good food, and wander out into a private and healthy backyard, and you know? I know I'm wealthy regardless of what the balance is on my credit card ;)

These things mentioned above will always be my wealths. These things keep me healthy, connected, Here and Now, and that's most important. Trust me...I've seen people in mansions, with successful businesses, and they haven't had an ounce of Happiness in their lives. Its tragic to see the imbalance, and quite a challenge to bring Harmony to places and people like that. Nothing is impossible to improve though.

When I look back on all that has happened, where I was, the progress, the travel, the upheaval and the's all been helping me achieve the Me I am now. Would I be Me if it weren't for all these experiences? nup! I'd be another version of Me...and you never know, I might have an 'aversion' to that version :)) Ah hah...oh beautiful and sanity saving humour. Where would we be without humour?! dead probably. Not being melodramatic, but at times, times I'd really considered it far to hard to keep on dealing with...this 'human' thing that I'm in with this existence. But then, rationality comes back in, and I know I chose to be here to learn something really fantastic, so I need to hang around and enjoy my family more, my interests more, and my life more, because without being 'in it' I won't find out why its so good.

Something most profound came to me the other day regarding popped into my Mind and said in a big loud voice full of compassion..."TRANSCEND THE MATTER!!!".

I did sit there kind of stunned with the simple enormity of what I'd been given. Transcend this physical, enjoy the magical, enjoy the spiritual and emotional aspects of this life, and just you know, 'get into it!' :)

Magic Earth

Magic is something that gets a bit of a flippant response or a fearful response, but I've never had a connection to it like either of those.
Magic to me is about the natural connections we see all the time, and we usually take for granted.
The beauty of plant cells replicating, using the sun and water to just increase in mass...its amazing to me.
The chemistry, physics, biology and more contained in this one representation of Magic is astounding. :) Science is not a way of debunking Magic, but rather a way of helping us understand HOW things are working, and why they've astounded us in the first place. The human body is just as magical. We've got all that Psychology going on too, and the etheric energy body is only now being 'studied' by science, because, well, its just so damn interesting!

I think mainstream science will catch up with the pioneers in time. As usual. As always. Something radical is not always looked upon favourably, but then, years later we look back and give those low whistles, and the sage-like shakes of the head and utterances like 'if only we'd taken more notice of what they knew back then...'

I hope that as a world we can learn to future think enough to take notice of the radical pioneers of 'science' that are working and establishing NOW, and acknowledge the Magic they are explaining to us.

Thursday, June 03, 2010

What I've become

Hello again dear blog xxx

Well, a lot has been happening since we last connected. I read a few of the old posts and see that I was slightly fixated with red wine and magic. Which is all good, in moderation for the first and in excess for the second.

I went through a massive 9month stint of not drinking ANYTHING, and walking each day, mantra, Kirtan, meditation etc. All good for the Mind, Body and Spirit. Then, at the end, to save my marriage, my friendship, my relationship, my family, ...I involved myself again, and seeing as I am 'ms fertility', the result is Angelina Petal. Freaked me out no end, but, I do so honestly believe, in all my heart, that things happen for a purpose, so I took a few months to go through the twists and turns of 'how the bloody hell am I going to do this!', and, 'why is this happening NOW????!', and came to a Peace.
I came to a strength too.
I came to realise I had friends, and those friends were and invaluable source of strength in their own right, but encouraged my own sense of power too.

So now, dear blog, I am more powerful from a most powerful experience, that I am guilty of not talking to you about. The waterbirth, at home, of my third child, Angelina Petal :)

Pics coming soon :)
Promise! :)

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Whao! back again!

The view from my new herb garden pot. We buried Angelina's placenta in here and things grow fantastically! :)

Yegodz...has it been so long!? Apologies oh little blog. I didn't mean to neglect you so. I've been ever so busy being kept awake for the last year or more with this little baby, and the children...and we began Home-ed again last I've been you know, just flat out... Soz. ;(

If its at all an excuse, I've been working at this new business...keeping it going and getting ahead a bit. We've moved again, this time to Eagleby near Beenliegh. The nieghbours at Ormeau were repulsive. Smoking, swearing, verbally abusing their small children, and the house, mon dieu...the house. SO many spiders, so close to the other blaaaghhhh. Big, new, spacious etc...but drafty, ill-designed. The feng shui of it was not overcomable with ANY of the tricks and tweaking I know about...and trust me, I know about a LOT of them.

So, over the next few weeks, I'll fill you in all about the new developments...the children had to be formally registered for Home-ed, so I'm 'in process' with that now. I feel like I want to completely turn around everything and change it all, business, home-life, everything.

Anyway. Stay tuned.
