Thursday, August 23, 2007

Phwoooaaarrrr rating

Real men wear red capes and leather knickers.
I base this observation wholly and solely upon viewing '300' and the depiction of King Leonidus by Gerard Butler.

He gets a 'Phwoooaaarrrrrrr' rating, plus a 'Ggrrrrrllllllllllllllllllll' too....just for good measure. (that's the character of Leonidus, not Gerard although he's quite delicious, he will change, but Leonidus will always be here for us)
The film is FANTASTIC and the cinematography, effects, etc., justify the 'epic' feel of it all. Great stuff. go get it. now.
Even with the blood, gore, 'death themes' (that's a new one for movie warnings isn't it?) and the inevitable end, I thoroughly got into this movie and the characters. So well done. LOVED the Queen of Sparta and her parting remark to her political rival. Very cool. And Xerxes, the conquering King of Persia, and invader of Sparta and Greece, is made to appear supremely awesome. Lots of great manflesh to admire all the way through, with Spartan soldiers abounding as the main characters, and even our own David Whenam (or is it Wenham? heeheheh) beefs up to become a totally believable warrior dude with impeccable Shakespearean delivery. Impressive stuff. you will enjoy.

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