Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Ah huh.

' Sometimes a little dim...'

Ah, so now it all makes perfect sense.

The week or so of 'klutzville' that I encountered. Leaving the air conditioner on all day while I was out (entering the house and thinking out loud "gee, I wonder why it's so warm in here....?"), the bumps of elbows, hips, bum, ankles, toes, hands, boobs, you name it. The general feeling like I'm in a dream state. The complete denial of the possibility. The steady weight gain in water retention over the last few weeks. An absence of blood and aches. My boobs being swollen and feeling weird.

Yep. I am pregnant with my third baby. And considering that I don't have sex very often (long story) this is a miracle child, like the other two. There are correlations with their conceptions all over the place that are either too personal to write or just don't need to be written,...


so yup! baby, on the way. obviously meant to be, so I'm just going with the flow, no resistance, because I don't feel the need to, AND, it would accomplish nothing anyway. Baby is Here. Baby is Now. "hello little pink bunch of cells! Mummy is waving!"

I think if this one is as small as William was, (6lb4oz) and a girl, I'll call her 'Petite'. :)


Sister Buckle said...


I much prefer 'Genevieve' to 'Petite'. heh heh.

Just don't called her 'Ivy' because that's my daughter's name. And if it's a boy, 'Vald' and 'Drake' are also off-limits.

Also for a girl I like 'Sandrine'. So that's mine too...

You could call her 'Carmen' and then it wouldn't be a mistake when you say my name!

Sister Buckle said...

Sheesh - I meant "VLAD".


I mean, WALD is German for FOREST...and would be pronounced 'VALD'.

i think my sniffle drugs are affecting me
