Monday, August 06, 2007

A ngharshzzlppppppppt moment

Ever had one of those moments, where you are sure everythings going wrong for a very good reason?
Today I decided to vacuum the car out before anything started bearing fruit. I even vacuumed the garage mats first. I noticed the vacuum wasn't sucking as hard as it usually did, so I decided to empty out the poor thing and let it breathe a bit. And wow, when I opened the little sucker up, it was stuffed full of hair and dust and crap. Time to get a plastic bag.
I trudge to the laundry, retrieve bag.
Unclip the little plastic jug and place the lip of the jug over the edge of the bag, so it should all just tip in nicely. er hah.
All of the contents of the jug misses the bag ( how? ) and ends up as a pile on the carpet. oh yay.
But wait! (forsooth!)
What do I see amongst the hair and crap? A screw? a little black screw? like the one I spent a whole morning looking for that is actually a part of my children's Ukelele that has been mysteriously ("I didn't do it Mummy") broken for a week or so????
Why yes, it is.
Oh joy. (happiness ensues)

I fix the Ukelele and tune the little darling thing. My sisterB gave it to my lovely little daughter Charlie as a birthday gift last year, and it's quite dear to us. It's blue with Hibiscus flowers on it. V cute. and Charlie makes up songs with it, so we NEED it. :)

And so ends the tale of happy occurrences and fortunate happenings.

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