Sunday, May 06, 2007

"I attract Large Spontaneous Windfalls of money in Perfect Ways"

That has been in my head for what seems like months now. I had a lovely experience with it a few weeks ago when I noticed that the person who had rang me to say they couldn't get to their appointment, and so asked me to give their appointment time to their mother and then booked another time, and then bought the gift voucher etc...


I looked at my diary and noticed that I had written this woman's address in a page that was a week 'behind', basically the wrong page. BUT. where I had written her details in was where I had also written 'I attract spontaneous windfalls of money" :) he he he...I love it.

Connections are never coincidences....


Sister Buckle said...


Noice template change. Minty and refreshing! I like it a lot. Much more 'you' than the previous one.

talk soon. xxxxx

ChiNut said...

Thanks! :) I like it too. It feels more organic and lush and juicy..but in a nice calm way
like a rainforest without the tourists :))