Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Dylan Moran - May 6 - The Concert Hall

Ah Dylan. You really are a disheveled, drunk Irishman. How very endearing.

The Dylan Moran one man show came to Brisbane over the weekend. He played two nights at The Concert Hall at QPAC (otherwise known as 'the most annoying building on earth) and the fun was had by all.

This guy is profound in his ramblings. I loved how transparent he was.

Obviously loves his wife and children, as he used keen observation for the material of most of his work. Enlightening. And he even did a pretty decent take off of an Australian accent, with a slight speech impediment.

My most memorable insight of the night from him was the analogy of a woman's mind, after becoming a mother, to that of a plate of chips....and of the children's questions being like seagulls. See? Profound.

And Dylan, babe it's no use hiding that sexy bod under the baggy jeans and shirt...we all know what's happening beneath it all.....

what a powerpak of celtic masculinity....



Sister Buckle said...

Celtic masculinity? I thought those two elements had become mutually exclusive in the last two centuries!

Aw, obviously not for the keen observers.

But I don't really agree with you - I don't really know if it IS all happening under the baggy clothes. That's mostly why people wear baggy clothes, to hide corporeal disappointments.

But that plate of chips image is great - I don't think he said the exact same thing at our show. I remember him having a go at fathers and how useless they are, with their wives ignoring them and their children making fun of them: "Look! Look! He's scratching his stomache with a fork!"

Poor DM! He is great.

Anonymous said...

Ha! he did do something about fork scratching and 'mommy doesn't like you,...and we don't like yoooo....' coming from his children. Poor nice that he can make fun of it and himself. :)
And it was SARCASM dear. Of course there is a body underneath that bagginess that displays all the hallmarks of being dragged up and down a barstool. But I don't mind. Anyone with a cute little smile like his and insight to boot will be classed as 'sexy' in my mind. (yes it's very twisted...)

Anonymous said...

It's true that I'm married and he's married but WHATEVER is under those baggy disheveled clothes,
I want it!
He is so mean and bright and terrible and I adore him.