Saturday, December 09, 2006

Been and Gone

That's sort of like stating the names of my two best friends. Oddly enough, I like things to end. It gives me a sense that something has happened.

Recently we had a situation where the planets were all 'moving' forward at the same time for a whole seventeen days. I thought of the energy in the cosmos that would be around at such a time, and immediately I got a sense of 'progression'. (d'uh) I used this time period to really focus on what I wanted to achieve in the future, what I wanted to release from the past etc., and it was a very positive and cathartic thing to do.

I did a collage of all my desires, wants, and wishes etc. I was looking at it today with resignation that it represents more work to be done. I don't mind at all.....but it was like looking at photos from a great holiday and realising that it will take another year of saving to repeat the performance and feel that way again.
Resigned yet hopefull.

+ perhaps its this waning moon. I feel the tide going out and don't know if the feeling comes from a kind of relief that there is a 'low tide' to the energy, or, if I'm kind of sad about all the little fishies swimming away......

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