Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My Groovy new Draft Guards :)

This is one of the groovy things I made to help out during Winter this year. Really HATE cold drafts in houses when the weather is 'blurk!' and you want to feel cosy. When we moved into this new house I was amazed at how the wind howled through the door, when it was closed...

I put up with it last year, but not this year!

And so, I made a couple more for the other doors too :)

The Front Door has a beautiful Gold Shiny one....

And the back door has a Magic one with witch's hats, toads, wands, crystal balls and stars and things on it...
Cool hey? well, actually warming really...

I used some scrap material, a bit of cheap wadding, some old lined calico for the backing, and filled them up with beanbag beans. Very quick to make and I feel so accomplished also. Gave them a good dosing of Clove Oil to keep ze wittle bugsy wugsies out of the house as well...smelled so good ! :)

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