Saturday, March 01, 2008

Manose, Deva and Miten at their Sydney concert 08

Lo there all. :)
I've been zenning out with Deva and my nag champa incense. It's been wonderful. Returning to the joy of 'Aud Guray' and the Saraswati song too, it's been so long since I heard them. If you've never experienced the peace of singing along Kirtan style with a chant in sanskrit, then you could be doing yourself a real treat by having a go at it.
Go to this link...
and you can download some free music of Deva's and her husband Miten's
Nice hey?

Or if you just want to listen to a bit you can go to this link here...
and just listen to a few of their songs on their Myspace page

I took Charlie to see Deva and Miten in 'concert' a week or so ago in Brisbane. My lovely friend Michelle got all the tickets organised and sorted out, and we were able to get seats near the front. Charlotte said the seats were not very comfortable, and I'd agree with her. I didn't enjoy the evening as much as last year because of the baby kicking SO much and me being a little 'soft hipped' and not wanting to sit for a long time. They kept on playing and playing and singing and singing all the way past 10:30pm. We were knackered but pleasantly so. :) It is a wonderful thing to be in the presence of people like Deva, Miten and Manose (the woodwind and percussion guy), as they just emanated a love of what they do. Calmly. Happily. Joyfully.

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