Saturday, February 23, 2008

Baby news

Got a Doula
For those of you who do not know what a Doula is, she is a woman who traditionally helps another woman give birth. They can be a innocuous as someone who 'provides support' to a birthing woman while being attended to by a midwife or 'doctor', or she can be full on, involved, doing the actual birthing stuff WITH the woman who's having the baby. Cool.

I think I'll leave it a few more weeks to let my sigh of relief fully reverberate around every part of me and then I'll write some more. :)

Due date is April 11th and I'm feeling good.

1 comment:

Sister Buckle said...

That sounds excellent!
I deserved a phonecall about such an excellent happening, though. Naughty girl!

I'll call you when I get home today - I'm at uni, not looking up Shaun Micallef.